Tymber Crossings Homeowners Association Annual Meeting
January 21, 2020
Coquina Presbyterian Church
2085 West Granada Boulevard, Ormond Beach, FL 32174
After establishing a quorum was present, President Steve Puckett called the meeting to order at 7:40pm.
Joseph and Sabine Bates
Robert and Patty Beam
Robert and Patty Bowman
James and Andrea Campbell
Leonard Ceckowski
Geraldine Dirodio and Renata Rosander
Bert and Laura Erling
Farshid Azadian
Anthony and Irene Giangreco
Roland Giener
John and Bonnie Hanes
Rod and Victoria McCoy
Ken and Rose Moorhouse
Edward Proffitt
Steve Puckett
Darlene Ralston
James and Nancy Sheil
Rick Ulrich
Randall Zaleski
Proxies were received from eight additional homeowners.
Reports of Officers and Committees
Steve began by certifying the proxies he had received, and then asked for any changes to the annual meeting notes of 2019. None were offered, so they were accepted.
The Income/Expense Statement for the year ending 12/31/2019 was distributed to those present and Steve went over the various categories to explain what the expenses included. Steve noted there had been a considerable savings realized in the lawn service over the previous year’s $21,000 to a 2019 total of $14,735. Steve thanked Rod McCoy for utilizing his negotiating skills in achieving this savings. The lake management and treatment costs have remained the same for the past fifteen years. The new pond lighting and the entryway lighting was noted and everyone approved of the improvements.
Steve asked if there were any questions and explained how the Board tries to keep the expenses down as much as possible. There will be some capital expenses this coming year.
Unfinished Business
Election of Directors
The floor was opened for nominations. Receiving none, it was moved the existing Board be re-elected for another year and it received unanimous approval.
New Business
Activities Review
The accomplishments for the past year included the tree trimming and the power washing, a faucet was added so that next year we can look for additional cost savings with the power washing. Copious amounts of trash and brush were removed, and the south pond is almost completed and work on the north pond is set to begin soon. The lighting improvements included added LED lighting to the fountains which will result in a significant cost savings in the long run. The website has been greatly enhanced thanks to the efforts of Roland Giener.
A row of hedges was added at the end of cul-de-sac on Grey Dapple Way next to where Saddler’s Run backs up to Tymber Crossings. There was traffic from one subdivision to the other through the yards and this hedgerow has effectively impeded that activity. Poles were placed in the unused area next to the north pond to stop thru traffic after checking with the City of Ormond and the Fire department to make sure there were no issues. Apparently it was a very good investment for security reasons as there have been no reported car thefts or vandalism since they were installed.
Resident Issues
Residents have noticed that the area outside the garage door of one resident is apparently being used as a storage area. It was noted that Ormond does have an ordinance against running a business out of a resident’s garage and a quick call to the city may be in order.
The dues collection was reviewed, and over half the existing residents have paid. Steve doesn’t foresee any problems with collecting the remainder.
The clearing of the north pond was questioned as the growth of trees and underbrush does create a visual and sound barrier for all the traffic, which is only due to increase in light of the additional housing being built on Airport Road. It was suggested more trees be added to the south pond, and everyone agreed that Tymber Crossings loves trees, just not the underbrush. The three monument trees at the main entrance are not in good shape and the city arborist is being consulted to work to try and save them.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:06pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Victoria McCoy
Board of Director’s Meeting
7:00 pm, January 14, 2020
58 Grey Dapple Way, Ormond Beach, FL
Steve Puckett, President/Treasurer
Rod McCoy, Vice President
Roland Giener, Board Member
Victoria McCoy, Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.
The minutes of theNovember 19 meeting were approved.
Old Business
The additional lighting on the entryway to the subdivision has been installed and everyone was pleased with the results. Rod noted that there are two remaining pillars to be uplighted, but fire ants are preventing the completion. Rod will work with the installers to complete the additional pillars.
Resident Communications
Some new residents are asking for information about the HOA rules and regulations and Steve said he had directed them to the website. He wanted to make sure they are in a downloadable and printable form and Roland will check them to make sure they are accessible. Steve does have a few hardcopies for residents that might need them. Steve then asked if the website is ADA compliant and the board discussed a program available through the Association attorneys that would review the website for compliance and make recommendations. Further action will depend on the costs involved and will be considered as necessary.
New Business
The annual meeting is scheduled to be held January 21 at 7:30pm and Steve encouraged the Board to send him any accomplishments for the past year so they can be presented at the meeting. He has already received a few proxies.
Respectfully submitted,
Victoria McCoy
Board of Director’s Meeting
7:00 pm, November 19, 2019
58 Grey Dapple Way, Ormond Beach, FL
Steve Puckett, President/Treasurer
Rod McCoy, Vice President
Rose Moorhouse, Board Member
Roland Giener, Board Member
Victoria McCoy, Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.
The minutes of theSeptember 17 meeting were approved.
Financial Report
The Treasurer’s Report was presented and reviewed. Steve reviewed the expenses for the past five months including power washing, legal fees, lawn care and lake maintenance items. Lake maintenance was discussed, and Rod noted that it currently costs $300 every time a light bulb needs to be changed. The budget for 2020 was discussed and minor changes made to category amounts.
Old Business
Both the lake lights and the Phase II lighting of the entryway, as well as lake cleaning/maintenance have been planned for this year. After reviewing quotes from Evergreen for tree and brush removal around both lakes including removal of two downed trees, the Board approved a bid for $1800. Rod presented a proposal for the Phase II lighting on the entryway columns and fencing that totaled $4,320. The bid was approved after reviewing remaining expenditures for the year 2019. Rose advised she had a proposal for changing the lake lighting to LED from Florida Water Features but there was confusion as to what exactly was covered by the bid. It was agreed that Roland would follow up with the vendor to verify the correct amounts and items covered. The Board authorized him to accept any bid under $4200 that he felt comfortable with so work could begin immediately. All of the above improvements will be paid out of current funds on hand.
Resident Communications
A resident questioned Rose about the dirty sidewalks which each resident is responsible for maintaining. Steve will send a reminder notice to residents about tree and yard maintenance as well as sidewalk cleaning. The Association could take on these duties, but a special assessment would need to enact to cover the costs.
New Business
The Assessment notification for 2020 will go out on December 2. The budget worksheet was again reviewed and it was motioned that the assessment be increased to $360 which is an annual increase of $15. The motion carried unanimously.
Other Reports
The Annual Meeting is scheduled for January 21 at 7:30pm, and the Board will meet prior to that date on January 14th at 7pm. Residents will receive notice of the meeting via mail, and it will include a proxy for those that cannot attend.
Respectfully submitted,
Victoria McCoy
Board of Director’s Meeting
7:00 pm, Sept 17, 2019
58 Grey Dapple Way, Ormond Beach, FL
Steve Puckett, President/Treasurer
Rod McCoy, Vice President
Rose Moorhouse (absent)
Roland Giener
Victoria McCoy, guest
Bob Welles, guest
The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm.
The minutes of theJune 18 meeting were approved.
Financial Report
The Treasurer’s Report will be emailed to the Board members. Steve went over recent checks/expenses for the Association.
Old Business
The North pond lights continue to fail. They need to be replaced with LEDs but it will be well over $1,000. The Board will review the monies available and make a decision on the lights later in the year. The Phase II of the entryway lighting will also be looked at for possible completion this year.
The person that fell on one of our sidewalks and planned to sue has not been heard from since we turned the matter over to the Association’s insurance agency.
Resident Communications
A resident has complained of an influx of late night visitors for a neighbor. The Board has no authority in this area and it was suggested the resident contact the police department.
Old Business
The lawn care service want us to invest in some additional shrubbery for the entryway. Rod asked them to prepare a proposal and submit it. The next area to be cleaned out will be in the entryway along the bridge. Rod stated that we are still not receiving reports on the status of the sprinkler and that will be an issue when it comes time to renew the contract for next year.
Other Reports
The next meeting is scheduled for November 19 at 7pm. The meeting then adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Victoria McCoy
Board of Director’s Meeting
7:00 pm, June 18, 2019
58 Grey Dapple Way, Ormond Beach, FL
Steve Puckett, President/Treasurer
Rod McCoy, Vice President
Rose Moorhouse
Roland Giener (absent)
Victoria McCoy
Bob Welles
The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm.
The minutes of theApril 16 meeting were approved.
Financial Report
The Treasurer’s Report for months ending 5/31/2019 was submitted:
Assessments Owed $0.0
Homes Paid =114Outstanding = 0
No unusual expenses were reported during this period.
Old Business
Steve stated he had tried to reach his pressure washing contact by phone with no luck. There is a website he will be using to try to contact them. A discussion followed on pressure washing options and the work Rod had completed using “sno cap” on the fencing at the entrance of the subdivision. There is still a considerable amount of mildew that will require pressure washing to remove. Bids will be collected and submitted in an effort to determine the most economical method to use.
Resident Communications
Old Business
Steve is preparing to send out the “spring letter” to residents and requested the Board review his efforts and make any suggestions they felt appropriate.
Other Reports
An individual, not an identified resident, fell on Peruvian Lane is suing the Association. The issue was turned over to the Association’s insurance provider. Steve will apprise the Board of any developments.
The next meeting is scheduled for September 17 at 7pm. The meeting then adjourned at 7:45pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Victoria McCoy
Board of Director’s Meeting
7:00 pm, April 16, 2019
58 Grey Dapple Way, Ormond Beach, FL
Steve Puckett, President/Treasurer
Rod McCoy, Vice President
Rose Moorhouse
Roland Giener (absent)
Victoria McCoy
Nancy and Jim Scheil
Bob Welles
The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm.
The minutes of the February 2019 minutes were approved.
Financial Report
The Treasurer’s Report was submitted:
Assessments Owed $690.00
Homes Paid =112 Outstanding = 2
Reports IRS form 1120-H $0.0
New Business
Expenses were discussed, particularly the fountain repair expenses and various options available. Everyone vigorously approved of the recent tree trimming and noted that the street light bulbs were being replaced with noticeably brighter bulbs. The bill has not yet been received from the tree trimming, but it has been quoted at $3,000. The hedges look really good and the conversation turned to pressure washing for the sidewalks and entryway. Rod had asked for an estimate to place a faucet for the use at the entrance and reported it will be $165 but that is without a filter. He will follow up to get the filter costs, but everyone agreed it was an acceptable expenditure regardless of the decision on pressure washing. Rose stated she has received two estimates on the power washing, one came in at $900 and the other $800. Rod noted that if we do the pressure washing ourselves we will have to purchase hoses and the protective road tunnels in addition to the faucets. Everyone agreed with doing the pressure washing ourselves, with additional assistance from homeowners. Rod will get the faucet ordered.
Steve stated he had received a resident complaint about grass being blown into the street after yardwork. Another resident complained about owners not picking up after their dogs. Steve is going to be sending a “spring cleaning” letter to residents reminding them that they have a responsibility to aid in keeping the community clean.
Old Business
Rose raised the problem of “raised sidewalks” noting that residents have fallen in the past due the uneven pavement. This has been a reoccurring problem that the city tried to maintain was not their responsibility, but as they mandated the trees be planted they should be responsible for any maintenance that occurs as a result of that ordinance. Rod advised that he had contacted the city regarding removal of dying trees off the entrance. They city has stated that the trees are not dead and can’t be taken down. The city requests that we wait until next year to re-examine the trees at that time and if the condition warrants, they will authorize removal.
The Board will look at the second stage of lighting improvements for the entryway at the next meeting. Rose noted that one of the residents on Grey Dapple has been noted to be walking the neighborhood at odd hours of the night and sitting on the sidewalk and driveways which could be a safety issue for other residents.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 18 at 7pm. The meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Victoria McCoy
Calendar / Minutes:
Board of Director’s Meeting
7:00 pm, February 19, 2018
58 Grey Dapple Way, Ormond Beach, FL
Steve Puckett, President/Treasurer
Rod McCoy, Vice President
Victoria McCoy
Rose Moorhouse
Roland Giener
Bob Welles
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.
The minutes of the December 2018 minutes were approved.
Financial Report
The Treasurer’s Report was submitted:
SCCU Checking:
Beginning Balance1/1/2019 $ 3,556.87
Deposits $27,600.00
Expenses paid $ 2,420.57
Ending Balance 1/31/2019 $28,736.30
SCCU Savings:
Beginning Balance 1/1/2019 $25,450.65
Deposits $ 0.0
Interest earned $ 3.89
Ending Balance 1/31/2019 $25,454.54
Total cash on hand 2/1/2019: $54,190.54
2019 Assessment Report
Assessments Paid $27,600.00
Assessments Owed $11,730.00
Homes Paid = 80 Homes Remaining=34
New Business
New Board member, Roland Giener, was welcomed and thanked for all his recent work on updating the website. His service is very much appreciated.
Several homeowners on Peruvian Lane have reported they did not receive their assessments, no understanding as to why it appears to be just that one street experiencing problems. Steve is taking care of getting assessments out to those that need them.
Steve reported that on the 26th of January he had filed the Florida Corporation annual report and will do the 1040 this month. No taxes are owed if less than $100 interest is earned on the savings account.
Roland asked about tree trimming and Rod advised that we have just negotiated a new contract and they offered to do the tree trimming for $3400, and our existing maintenance company offered to do the same for $3000. It was agreed that the existing company will trim the trees. Bids will be sought to complete power washing, Rose will follow up with a vendor previously used to see if they are still available. It was suggested a faucet be put in for maintenance personnel to use and it was noted that there is a sprinkler system already in place in the north area of common ground but the sprinkler map needs to be updated. Rod stated that the new maintenance company is expected to provide a quarterly report that will include the status of all the sprinklers.
Old Business
Someone has continued to cut the lock off the chain placed in the north common area to stop people driving through the trees. Rod suggested placing two PVC pipes, painted and anchored with cement in the common area to stop the abuse. The cost will be $200 per pipe and it was agreed to have the current maintenance company place the pipes.
The question of proceeding with additional lighting was tabled until the other maintenance items, i.e., power washing, tree trimming, etc, can be completed.
Resident Concerns
It was agreed that the Board could move meetings to every other month, the Board members can meet electronically as needed. The next meeting is scheduled for April 16 at 7pm.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Victoria McCoy
Tymber Crossings Homeowners Association Annual Meeting
January 22, 2019
Coquina Presbyterian Church
2085 West Granada Boulevard, Ormond Beach, FL 32174
After establishing a quorum was present, President Steve Puckett called the meeting to order at 7:40pm.
Sabina Bates
Kathleen Whisler
Randy Flanary
Demetrios and Nickolette Poyatzis
Robert Zaleski
Ken and Rose Moorhouse
Edward Profitt
Nancy Sheil
Laura Erling
Steve Puckett
Gary Mallow
Anthony Giangreco
Roland Giener
Robert Welles
Victoria and Rod McCoy
Billie and Carl Krueger
Alberta Burda
James Campbell
Bob and Patti Bowman
Rick Ulrich
Darline Ralston
Keith Snyder
John Hanes
Geraldine and Renata Rosander
Franklin Flud
Proxies were received from twelve additional homeowners.
Steve began by certifying the proxies he had received, and then asked for approval for the minutes of the meeting from 2018. Tony Giangreco motioned that the minutes be accepted, Randy Flanary seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
The 2019 Budget was presented (a copy follows this document) and thanked everyone for paying the annual dues on time, noting that a 100% participation rate is very unusual. He then outlined what is included in the grounds and maintenance figure noting that it includes a new hedge placed between Tymber Crossings and Saddlers Run to halt the vehicles driving between houses to access the subdivisions. The North Pond had a motor and pump fail which necessitated expenditures on new equipment. Steve reviewed the savings account balance explained why the balance is maintained at the current level. It was noted that the 2019 assessment will be same as 2018. Planned expenditures include some tree trimming and pressure washing along with some possible lighting expansion. It was noted some areas in the subdivision don’t seem to be well lit, but a request for new lighting poles must go through Florida Power and Light and may difficult and time-consuming to obtain. Residents were encouraged to contact FP and L for replacement of bulbs. It was noted that the chain and lock that were placed in the common area to prevent drive throughs is not up as it should be. Rod stated he has been trying to contact the lawn service to see if they simply didn’t put it back up the last time they mowed that area. He will continue to follow up to see why it’s not in place.
The cameras have been useful and Rod described recent incidents where he worked with the Ormond Beach Police Department to provide license plate numbers of vehicles entering and leaving the subdivision. Recent thefts prompted residents requesting to be notified when a theft occurs so homeowners can check their own existing camera equipment which may provide helpful information. Steve agreed to notify everyone as requested.
Attendees were urged to volunteer for the Board, and Steve explained who is currently serving and opened the floor for nominations. A new member, Roland Giener, was put forward and he will be meeting with the current Board to discuss his participation.
There was no unfinished business.
New business included residents advising of an uptake in coyotes in neighboring areas and residents were cautioned to keep their pets safe.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Victoria McCoy
Minutes of HOA Board meeting 2018
Board of Director’s Meeting
7:00 pm, December 18, 2018
58 Grey Dapple Way, Ormond Beach, FL
Steve Puckett, President/Treasurer
Rod McCoy, Vice President
Victoria McCoy
Rose Moorhouse
The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm.
The minutes of the November 2018 minutes were approved.
Financial Report
The Treasurer’s Report was submitted:
SCCU Checking:
Beginning Blanace 11/1/18 $10,308.12
Deposits $ 0.0
Expenses paid $ 2,475.56
Ending Balance 11/30/18 $ 7,832.56
SCCU Savings:
Beginning Balance 11/1/18 $25,443.00
Deposits $ 0.0
Interest earned $ 3.76
Ending Balance 11/30/18 $25,446.76
Total cash on hand 11/30/18: $33,279.32
New Business
It was noted that a former resident at 19 Pervuian Lane was receiving notices for the annual assessment. Steve will resend the assessment notice with the corrected information to the current resident. A discussion followed on how the HOA is notified about real estate transactions with information on new owners.
Rod has a bid out for ground maintenance and he reviewed the pricing as well as referral information he had received. Our current groundskeeper bid $1,600 per month, and Evergreen Landscapes bid $1,125 per month. A discussion followed regarding the proposed agreement with Evergreen and a motion was made, carried unanimously, to begin the new contract on March 1 of 2019. A bid from our current groundskeeper for tree trimming from the road to the stop sign was awarded to C W Wright after a motion carried unanimously.
The annual meeting will be held January 22 and a proxy will need to go out with the notice, Steve confirmed he had a copy of the necessary documentation.
The search continues for new Board members.
Resident Communications
The Ormond Beach Police Department had contacted the HOA regarding recent car break ins on December 7. Rod reviewed 14 hours of video footage from November 26 and found a stolen car had indeed entered the area at 4:10 am on that date. He contacted Detective Hamilton and provided the information to her as requested.
Steve stated he had received a request from a resident asking for a complete breakdown on the Association’s income and expenses, and he provided it. No follow up questions were submitted.
Old Business
Rose reported that the light is out on the north fountain. A discussion followed on the warranty for the fountain circuitry and the lights. Rose agreed to contact Chris Anderson. Rose also asked were we stood on the additional lighting, and it was agreed that expenditure along with the some pressure washing was planned for 2019.
The next Board meeting will be February 19.
The meeting adjourned at 8:07pm.
Minutes of the November 20 2018 HOA Board Meeting
Board of Director’s Meeting
7:00 pm, November 20, 2018
58 Grey Dapple Way, Ormond Beach, FL
Steve Puckett, President/Treasurer
Rod McCoy, Vice President
Victoria McCoy
The meeting was called to order at 7:15pm.
The minutes of the October 2018 minutes were approved.
Financial Report
The Treasurer’s Report was submitted:
Checking account balance $10,733.12
Savings account balance $25,443.00
Total Cash on Hand $36,176.12
After reviewing the estimated budget for 2019, Rod made a motion for no increase in the 2019 assessment. Steve seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
New Business
The January meeting is set for January 22 at 7:30pm at the Coquina Presbyterian Church and Steve will coordinate with the pastor there to complete arrangements.
Victoria McCoy is assuming the role of acting secretary to record and provide minutes for Board meetings.
It was noted that the Association, as always, needs the involvement of more Board members and encourages interested residents to volunteer.
1. CALL TO ORDER: At 7:05 p.m.
Steve Puckett, President/Treasurer – present
Rod McCoy, Vice President – present
Nick Koulouris, Secretary – present
Rose Morehouse, Director/Compliance & Beautification Committee – absent
Also attending: Bob Wells, Bill Fagin
3. REVIEW and APPROVE MINUTES of the September BoD meeting: No Corrections. Motion to approve the minutes passed
A. Treasurer’s Report
Checking account balance $6,597.26
Savings Balance $26,892.66
Total Cash on Hand $33,489.92
Motion to accept passed.
B. Residents' Communications
A resident contacted the HOA in reference to a street light being out
resident was directed to FPL for repair.
A resident contacted the HOA in reference to dead trees and debris that were visible since the hurricane.
C. Other reports
Compliance and Beautification (Rose)
Issues with Upkeep and Drainage on County-owned property
Drainage on north side of main entrance (sidewalk has been closed on/off since last year after Hurricane Matthew)
Currently no solution in place
Upkeep of lawn and trimming
Rose was told that the County maintains this monthly
She expressed to them that this is not the case and they should come out to verify that it is being addressed in a timely manner
Will revisit at next meeting
A. Community trees hanging over residents' properties
Has been remedied since last meeting
B. Fence at North End
Put off until after 1/1/2018
C. Website Improvements
Nick reported that the cost to create a documents link with appropriate (1GB) storage capacity through our current website provider would be at an additional cost of $9.99 per month
this would allow for residents to download electronic versions of documents, forms, etc.
this will take quite some time to convert and/or request electronic versions of current documents
motion passed to approve additional cost for website improvements
A. Pressure washing of entrance and walkways up to stop sign
Received 2 quotes at $800 and $480.
Motion passed to approve $480 estimate pending favorable outcome of resident's property using same vendor
B. Island at Entrance
Issues with Plants
will ask Brandon to provide options to remedy
will present at next meeting
C. Resident Initiated Matters
Resident brought up rust stains on sidewalks
was informed that individual residents are responsible for remedy
Resident brought up recent approval of a grant from the St. Johns River Water Management District to the City of Ormond Beach in the amount of $1.5 million to continue installing reused (reclaim) water lines on streets.
this would remedy the rust stain and maintenance issues that many homeowners currently face from using well water for irrigation.
Nick will look into this and report back at next meeting
7. SET DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: November 21, 2017 @ 7 p.m.
8. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
1. CALL TO ORDER: At 7:08 p.m.
Steve Puckett, President/Treasurer – present
Rod McCoy, Vice President – present
Nick Koulouris, Secretary – present
Rose Morehouse, Director/Compliance & Beautification Committee – absent
3. REVIEW and APPROVE MINUTES of the May BoD meeting: No Corrections. Motion to approve the minutes passed
A. Treasurer’s Report
Checking account balance $13,321.19
Savings Balance $26,888.68
Total Cash on Hand $40,209.87
$10,915 in expenses for June/July/August 2017
covers general monthly maintenance for lake, lawn, etc.
included $1,800 for lights and $350 for cameras due to theft/vandalism
Motion to accept passed. Residents are 100% paid-up on HOA assessments for the year.
B. Residents' Communications:
A concern was shared by residents in reference to loose animals within our community
There was a letter that was communicated to our residents via our Board
An incident occurred where a resident's dog was killed by another resident's dog
See email from Steve for Animal Control contact information
Two residents shared concerns in reference to community trees hanging over their properties
They are requesting that these trees be trimeed
C. Other reports
A. Community Picnic
Due to unforeseen circumstances, our Community Picnic has been put on hold
B. Post sticking up from ground near entrance; was removed (refer to 5/22/17 minutes)
C. North Fountain Lights
Up and running (were repaired twice since last meeting)
A. Fence at north end of Grey Dapple Way
Received quote and will research further
B. Resident Initiated Matters
C. Other New Business
Website improvements
Will look into adding a PDF link on our website to allow for access important documents
Add section for New Residents info
7. SET DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: October 24, 2017 @ 7 p.m.
8. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.